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...once helped two lost children escape an evil witch! (Medieval) The Black Forest
...once jumped on the Kleinstadt bandwagon! (Medieval) Kleinstadt
...once rescued a beautiful princess from captivity! (Medieval) The Alhambra
...once sailed across a river of boiling blood on a demon's back! (Medieval) The Inferno
...once served Queen Elizabeth! (Medieval) Tudor England
...once sped an old sailor's soul through Purgatory! (Medieval) Hospitaller Malta
...once spent a small fortune for special services in Ys! (Medieval) Ys
...once stood face to face with the fallen angel of the morning! (Medieval) The Inferno
...once strayed beyond the black iron gates of the Inferno! (Medieval) The Inferno
...once survived the pitfalls and ordeals of a Spice Trader! (Medieval) Viceroyal Lima
...once took mercy on a treacherous soul and relieved his hunger! (Medieval) The Inferno
...once took pity on the shade of a sinner lost in all eternity! (Medieval) The Inferno
...once was granted a fortune reading from a shade in the Inferno! (Medieval) The Inferno
...performed pagan rituals to help a village suffering from a drought. (Medieval) Britain
...proved to be a true and honorable friend of Salah ad-Din. (Medieval) The Crusades
...put an end to the haunting of the old mill. (Medieval) Kleinstadt
...received a blessed gift from the kami of the North. (Medieval) Japan
...recovered sunken treasure after defeating a monstrous sea monster! (Medieval) Pirate Caribbean
...rescued a fair maiden from marrying the wrong man. (Medieval) Britain
...returned a priceless falcon to its owner. (Medieval) The Crusades