...has been cursed by a voudoun. |
(Medieval) Pirate Caribbean |
...has been cursed by the houngan. |
(Medieval) Pirate Caribbean |
...has brought a witch to justice and saved the village children. |
(Medieval) 17th Century Salem |
...has completed the great quest for Excalibur! |
(Medieval) Camelot |
...has completed the quest for greater power! |
(Medieval) Hospitaller Malta |
...has defeated Dahut, princess in Ys! |
(Medieval) Ys |
...has entrance rights to the misty isle of Avalon. |
(Medieval) Camelot |
...has freed the lost city of Ys from the evil morgens. |
(Medieval) Ys |
...has gained the trust of the Algonquin Indians. |
(Medieval) Boston, Mass. |
...has joined the most elite of the Romanian guardsmen! |
(Medieval) Transylvania |
...has learned of the art and spirit of music. (+3 SPI) |
(Medieval) Viceroyal Lima |
...has learned the Inuit language. |
(Medieval) 1802 Alaska |
...has single-handedly slain Vlad the Impalor, father of all vampires! |
(Medieval) Transylvania |
...helped a silversmith come under the patronage of the Order of St John! |
(Medieval) Hospitaller Malta |
...helped find supplies for a local butcher's specialty. |
(Medieval) Kleinstadt |
...helped free a woman from a most certain death. |
(Medieval) 17th Century Salem |
...helped Shinto monks with a lost statue. |
(Medieval) Japan |
...helped two young people find happiness together. |
(Medieval) Kleinstadt |
...is a famous Knight of the Round Table! |
(Medieval) Camelot |
...is a Knight of the Kingdom of Logres. |
(Medieval) Camelot |