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...has been cursed by a voudoun. (Medieval) Pirate Caribbean
...has been cursed by the houngan. (Medieval) Pirate Caribbean
...has brought a witch to justice and saved the village children. (Medieval) 17th Century Salem
...has completed the great quest for Excalibur! (Medieval) Camelot
...has completed the quest for greater power! (Medieval) Hospitaller Malta
...has defeated Dahut, princess in Ys! (Medieval) Ys
...has entrance rights to the misty isle of Avalon. (Medieval) Camelot
...has freed the lost city of Ys from the evil morgens. (Medieval) Ys
...has gained the trust of the Algonquin Indians. (Medieval) Boston, Mass.
...has joined the most elite of the Romanian guardsmen! (Medieval) Transylvania
...has learned of the art and spirit of music. (+3 SPI) (Medieval) Viceroyal Lima
...has learned the Inuit language. (Medieval) 1802 Alaska
...has single-handedly slain Vlad the Impalor, father of all vampires! (Medieval) Transylvania
...helped a silversmith come under the patronage of the Order of St John! (Medieval) Hospitaller Malta
...helped find supplies for a local butcher's specialty. (Medieval) Kleinstadt
...helped free a woman from a most certain death. (Medieval) 17th Century Salem
...helped Shinto monks with a lost statue. (Medieval) Japan
...helped two young people find happiness together. (Medieval) Kleinstadt a famous Knight of the Round Table! (Medieval) Camelot a Knight of the Kingdom of Logres. (Medieval) Camelot