
Recently Modified
Name  Area  Experience  Gold  Agg 
Rene Emile Belloq (Nile Valley) (Industrial) The Nile Valley 121197 0
Howard Carter (Industrial) Pyramid 121197 0
Lord Carnarvon (Industrial) Pyramid 121197 0
Count Eudes de Saint Martin (Industrial) Pyramid 25850 1000
Mulud, the police officer (Industrial) Pyramid 243681 0
Sultan Muhammad Ali Pasha (Industrial) Pyramid 176119 0
Mayor Joseph McCoy (Industrial) Abilene, Kansas 126179 2000
Ghost of a former resident (Industrial) Abilene, Kansas 155613 0
Osage Warrior (Industrial) Abilene, Kansas 120862 0
Mother Hayden (Industrial) Abilene, Kansas 98536 390
Father Schoenmakers (Industrial) Abilene, Kansas 139861 470
Zmey the dragon (General) Global 0 0
SS-Reichsfuhrer (Industrial) WWII North Africa 0 0
The dragon Zmey Gorynych (General) Global 472290 0
skeleton of a pirate captain (Medieval) The Pirates' Den 1624626 0
Boggy Mary (Industrial) Dartmoor 179116 0
Rene Emile Belloq (Tomb of Horemheb) (Industrial) Pyramid 383775 0
Marguerite (Industrial) 19th Century Paris 28250 0
Faust (Industrial) 19th Century Paris 28250 0
Mephistopheles (Industrial) 19th Century Paris 170404 0